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1. Personal Development Planning

2. What is it?

3. Template Overview & Your Focus

4. Getting Feedback

5. Using the Template

6. Presentation Humiliation

7. Plan Review

8. Checking Progress

9. Sample Template

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Plan Review


Phase 3 - Review the Project YOU Development Plan

When you have finished creating your draft Project YOU Development Plan, leave it alone for about 1 week and then review it.

During the week you will have been unconsciously mulling it over, and testing to see if it is right for you. After the “rest” period, take some time to look at the plan and make any changes. Was the draft plan too ambitious, not hard enough, too focused on one thing, too vague?

You can keep the plan private and do the review yourself, but you may find you benefit from sharing it with someone else. In large companies or organizations, the development plan is normally discussed with a direct supervisor or leader.

People who find it hard to be objective about themselves or need external motivation may find it a benefit to enlist a person to support them. Maybe you lack some skills and know someone who wouldn’t mind giving you the
benefit of their experience? The great thing about using the Project YOU process is that you can make this decision for yourself and your choice is not influenced by work politics.

How to choose a mentor

Here are some guidelines on how to choose an appropriate helper;

  • They are already good at what you are trying to develop – a potential “role model”.

  • You trust them.

  • They are a good coach and can give you constructive feedback.
    They have the time!
You may want to consider using a professional to fill this role for you. There are life coaches, career guidance officers, therapists, and counsellors to name a few, and you can see them in person, talk over the telephone or even online. Before you hand any money over, contact them and interview them to establish whether they will be right for you – you want someone who can focus on outcomes and actions, not reasons and explanations! Or you can consider using my coaching services ! :-)

Phase 4 - Implement the Development Plan

OK! You have planned the work, now work the plan! OK, in non-management speak, you have invested a good amount of time and effort in planning your development. You may be wondering about the value of this whole process, when you have completed three phases and haven’t started doing anything yet. Be assured that all well-managed projects work in this way, and personal development is no exception.
Top Tip - Do a mini-review each time you do something that takes you out of your comfort zone. Think about 2 things you did well, and one thing you could do better next time. The “thing you could do better” will be your primary focus for improvement the next time you do it. 
Next, Checking progress

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Roger Elliott
Managing Director