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Psychology Glossary - P

Panic Attacks:
Involves repeated, unpredictable attacks of intense fear accompanied by severe anxiety symptoms in the body that may last from minutes to hours.

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The set of habitual attitudes and styles of interacting with people and the world around us which the child acquires as part of its development.

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A person who expects the worst.

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Expecting the worst in this worst of all possible worlds.

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Any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoning

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Anxiety disorders characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations.

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Post traumatic stress disorder:
A common anxiety disorder that develops after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal in which grave physical harm occurred or was threatened.

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Is the original type of psychotherapy, but many other theories and techniques are used by psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers.

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The study of the interrelationships of the biology and psychology in cognitive functioning, including intellectual, memory, and related neurocognitive processes.

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Is generally defined as the science of behavior and mental processes and the application of the resulting findings to the solution of problems. The word thus simultaneously refers to a science (involving the study of the behavior of humans and animals) and to various interventions (treatments and therapies) in the mental processes and behavioral patterns of people.

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Former term for a person with antisocial personality disorder.
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Pertaining to psychopathy, particularly to antisocial behavior or antisocial personality disorder.

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In Freudian analysis, a method for gaining insight by analyzing the significance of and underlying motivation for the verbal slips made by patients in conversation.

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Is a set of techniques for curing or helping to solve behavioral problems of humans. The common part of these techniques is direct personal contact between therapist and patient.

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In clinical psychology, the application of psychological research and theories not only to mental health problems but also to physical health problems, by extending the study of clinical problems to primary-care and general hospital settings.

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