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Psychology Glossary - I

In Freudian psychology, one of the three fundamental components of the personality; the id is present at birth and is entirely unconscious, and is responsible for the basic sexual and destructive-aggressive instincts.
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Ideal self:
In the perception of self, that view of the self which implies ‘Me as I would like to be'

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In environmental psychology, the symbolic significance of place related to its distinctiveness of form, its visibility, and patterns of use.

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A non-deductive type of reasoning where, even if a person knows the premises given are true, and knows that they have reasoned as they intended, they cannot be sure that their conclusion will be true, the end result being a hypothesis.

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Is a form of sleep disorder characterised by an inability to sleep and/or to remain asleep for a reasonable period during the night. Sufferers typically complain of being unable to close their eyes for more than a few minutes at a time, or of 'tossing and turning' through the night.

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Intelligence quotient (IQ):
The ratio of intelligence in an individual, calculated by dividing their mental age by their chronological age and multiplying by 100.

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Intentional deception:
One of the thorniest of ethical issues in psychological research, deception is used in psychological studies through the use of confederates in order to gauge the response of subjects to wrong answers. The use of deception is usually revealed to the subject in the debriefing session.

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