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Psychology Glossary - H

Hawthorne effect:
In the psychology of the workplace, the connection between increased productivity and the introduction of new working methods, the argument being that workers respond positively, if only temporarily, to any kind of innovation.

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That quality of ego functioning, as defined by Erik Erikson, which enables the infant to differentiate between trust and mistrust and develop a capacity for viewing life with optimism.

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A method that teaches you that in the absence of fear and tension, pain does not necessarily have to be an accompaniment of labour.

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(As defined by the American Psychological Association Division of Psychological Hypnosis) A procedure during which a health professional or researcher suggests that a client, patient, or subject experience changes in sensations, perceptions, thoughts, or behavior. Any definition is necessarily vague, as the underlying mechanism is little understood. Some theories view hypnosis as an altered state of consciousness, others as a type of focused attention. Psychologists have recently researched hypnosis and found a strong correlation between the ease of putting someone in a state of 'hypnosis' and their level of suggestibility.

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Is the application of hypnosis as a form of medical treatment, particularly for conditions largely related to the person's state of mind. Practitioners believe that when a client enters a trance state, or believes to do so, the client's resistance to beneficial change will be lowered significantly, and so various means of therapy will be easier to deliver and more successful.

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The ability for the subject to recall otherwise forgotten memories. Typically, the subject will refer to the memories it in past, third-party tense. The opposite of Revivification.

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The earliest stage of hypnosis. Subject is drowsy, yet still aware. Arms and legs are typically warm and heavy.

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