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Hypnosis and Trance States - a New Psychobiological Explanation

Hypnosis and Trance States

Author: Joseph Griffin & Ivan Tyrrell

Review by Roger Elliott

Hypnosis and Trance States

This is the first fully-referenced explanation of hypnosis from an evolutionary perspective. Whether a scientist, researcher, psychologist, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist or interested lay person, this monograph will widen and deepen your understanding of hypnosis and trance states.

The 48-page 'Hypnosis and Trance States' also resolves the controversy over whether hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness or not.

Among other topics the monograph explores why and how we go into hypnosis and its connection to dreaming, depression, anger and anxiety. The booklet also explains why there are very real dangers inherent in using hypnosis as well as benefits. Expectation, induction, conditioning, post-hypnotic suggestions, the observing self, stage hypnosis and hypnotherapy are all dealt with in a clear and concise way.

This is a fascinating booklet for anyone interested in hypnosis, the psychology of human behaviour and psychotherapy in all its forms. This monograph simplifies, clarifies and lends a great richness to hypnosis, the practice of hypnosis and the study of hypnosis and trance states.

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Roger Elliott
Managing Director